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從民國96年至今,已經第九個年頭了,為(往生菩薩)的永久護持,為(遺族)的永續關懷,依然存在!承康所做的,不是一時的感動,而是一輩子的感覺! 今年的年度大法會,預計在國曆7月19日,現在已開始著手積極籌辦!邀請函也已陸續寄出!竭誠歡迎大家,蒞臨指導,共同參予! *法會日期:104年7月19日(農曆6月4日)星期日 *法會時間:上午8點至下午5:30分 *法會地點:台中市東區東英六街&十甲東路公園旁 *主辦單位:承康公司 *承康電話:(04)2211-8803 *法會法師:集結10位資深法師到場助念祈福 *活動目的:祈求來年萬事平安順遂順心順利及身體健康、消災解厄 防止小人厄運是非煩惱 讓貴人助開運勢、萬事如意 祈求在事業經營,如人事、財務、研發…能順利工商倍利 祈求遠離災難禍害、元辰光彩、闔家平安。 *活動內容:包含佛降娑婆誦經祈福、消災解厄 *法會流程:07:50 到場開啟 唐音達陰陽 8:00法會出肇 諸佛降娑婆 慈悲喜捨 佛法度三界 09:00龍宮靈丈 法語破幽冥 11:00 天廚妙供 甘露法界 02:00 法筵虔備 友情皆有感普化施食(開香) 02:30上師燈壇 蒙山演慈心 天人同喜 法喜遍十方 05:10到場圓滿 虔心送聖駕 適合所有男女老少喔 敬邀諸位大德踴躍報名參加!欲參加祈福消災或超度者,敬請來電辦理。 ☆✦承康BG:http://tel0800365000.pixnet.net/blog/post/288680233 ☆✦法會BG:http://everyoneyear.blogspot.tw/2015/05/2015719.html ☆✦法會網站:http://ck0800356000.discuzmy.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=225&extra=page=1 承康年度祈安消災大法會說明: 歡迎各位善知識,先進,共襄盛舉踴躍自由參加!同沾法露,同修聖德! 說明: 1:凡本公司服務過之客戶,皆可免費書立牌位,由承康公司,年年護持! 2:本次大法會,超薦牌位可區分為/歷代祖先/冤親債主/已故先靈/... 3:每個牌位,酌收500元(包括工本費與香供,紙供,功德金)! 詢問詳情,請來電tel: 0800-356000 我們竭誠為您服務! 凡本公司服務過之客戶可免費書立牌位,由承康公司,年年護持! 詢問詳情TEL: 0800-356000 可先將項目一一寫在紅包袋上喔(或是現場填寫) 填寫資訊 姓名/出生年月日/及地址 PS:若無法現場參加者可以用匯款方式(請LINE上詢問喔).由老師代為立牌祈願 歡迎您來電或用LINE ID :ck356 詢問及報名喔 ☆2014(103)年fb法會資訊: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.898532383536440.1073741838.166205026769183&type=1&pnref=story
About Us Welcome to LAUBALLOON Helium Filled Balloons LAUBALLOON use the highest quality latex and foil balloons. Anagram International and Qualatex are two major balloon companies with the highest reputation that make only quality balloons. We offer wonderful way for you to send your special message with fantastic helium balloons. Whether it’s a Birthday, Wedding, Easter, Christmas, Graduation, and Anniversary or just to say you care, says it with a helium balloon delivery. We have Foil Helium Balloons and Latex Helium Balloons for everyday including Welcome Back Balloons. Helium Balloon Gifts Delivery can be made to any address all over Hong Kong. LAUBALLOON have a range of character helium balloon, Disney Mickey & Minnie, Princess, Hello Kitty, Sesame Street (School Bus, Elmo, Big Bird, Bert & Ernie), Snoopy, Toy Story, Ms-Queen, Stitch, Spider-man, Superman, Batman, Tweety, Nemo, Buzz, Winnie the Pooh and his friends, etc. Pricing Policy All prices shown on our website. There is no further charge made at the checkout only your delivery costs. Helium Balloon’s Price: 18〞Foil Balloon - HKD 25 up 11〞Latex Balloon - HKD 11 up All helium balloons are filled with helium and are attached to colorful ribbons. LAUBALLOON by Man Lik Co. No. 2, Lai King Govt. Workshop, Lai King Estate, Kwai Chung, N. T., Hong Kong Mr. LAU Mob:6405 5064 Tel:(852)2741 0812
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